International Awards
Awards sent into International have to be dressed up as much as possible. They must be carefully put together with as much material as possible (ie. pictures, clippings, etc). To highlight some of the activities that you may want to be brought to their attention, it is best to go through with a highlighter.
1. International Honour Key (Keeper Plaque and Pin)
Selection Responsibility: Awards Committee
Awarded: International Convention
This award is the highest and most prestigious honour conferred by Civitan International. The submission of the award entails a great deal of work and time to prepare. You must get endorsements from individuals and other Clubs supporting the individual being nominated. As well, all information and results of personal achievements for that individual must be included with the submission. A special application form is available from International to submit this award on. Four copies of the application must be sent to International by May lst. A maximum of five International Keys can be awarded in a given year. It is not always possible to receive a key on the first submission. Criteria to consider:
- Outstanding voluntary service to Civitan International
- Service on the International Board
- Service on international committees
- Service in formation of new clubs
- Service in significant increase in membership of a group of clubs
- Unusual service to Civitan International in creation and formation of International projects, or in development of procedures
greatly affecting growth of organization
- Service to International through significant activities at District level including serving as a Governor, lieutenant Governor,
committee chairperson, committee membership, or District office. No Civitan will be selected unless he has a minimum of five years
dedicated service to Civitan. If the applicant has received payment or
remuneration they cannot be considered as the award is intended to be in recognition of volunteer efforts.
- International Honour Key holder from our District - Don Hewitt -
2. Honour Club Status
This award is submitted to the Immediate Past Governor, who in turn submits it to International. In order to qualify for this award the requirements are:
- Honour Club application must be completed in its entirety
- Club must have sponsored a new Senior or Junior club during the year
- Show a net membership increase of at least one during the year
There are five categories that are considered for this award.-
Category 1 Service:
This is mandatory and must include four areas of service, (A) Youth, (B) Service to Mentally and Physically Handicapped, (C) Community Service, (D) Fund Raising, (E) Other. Each of these areas must have at least two items included.Category 2 Knowledge:
There are three areas to consider here (A) Speaker or Program - at least four speakers/topics or programs must be listed that were featured at club meetings. (B) Club Education Programs. Two programs held at regular/special meetings telling of the History of Civitan. (C) District/International Educational Programs: meetings/seminars attended outside regular club meetings (ie. Regional meetings, Conventions, District meetings and area meetings).Category 3 Fellowship:
A minimum of ten are required in this category including (1) Fellowship before/after meeting (2) Welcoming committee (3) Mystery Greeter or Secret Sam (4) Inter-Club Meetings (5) Club Visitations (6) Social activities (7) All guests greeted by members (8) Follow-up letter sent to each quest (9) Guests supplied with name tags (10) All guests introduced during meetings (11) New members placed on committees after joining (12) Calling committee or phone committee.Category 4 Club Management
(all items mandatory): (1) All officers must be trained (2) Active Board of Directors (3) Published membership roster (4) Regular Bulletin/Newsletter published (5) Budget adopted (6) Constitution and bylaws adopted (7) Appointed committee chairpersons (8) On-going new membership orientation program (9) Members encouraged to wear lapel pins (10) Banner displayed at all meetings (11) One or more VIP or recruitment meetings.Category 5 Membership
(Mandatory): Must show a net increase over previous year. The following eight awards all have the same criteria and it will not be repeated for each of them.3. Outstanding Service to Mentally & Physically Challenged
This award is based on a single project
A description of the project must be given including purpose, how club became involved, number/percentage of club members participating and staff hours involved, results/benefits impacts on community, public awareness (publicity derived or community acknowledgement of activity), membership participation - level and involvement of club members.
4. Outstanding Total Service to Mentally & Physically Challenged
This award is based on a series of projects
Same criteria used as in #3 above.
5. Outstanding Community Service Project
Awarded to Club having rendered outstanding service to community through a single service project.
Same criteria used as in #3 above.
6. Outstanding Community Service
Awarded to Club providing most outstanding service to community through a series of projects.
Same criteria used as in #3 above.
7. Outstanding Civitan Awareness Project
Awarded on a single project where service or promotional activity generates favourable publicity for Club or Civitan name.
Same criteria used as in #3 above.
8. Outstanding Civitan Awareness
Awarded based on a series of projects or activities which collectively create most favourable notice or publicity for Club and Civitan.
Same criteria used as in #3 above.
9. Outstanding Youth Project
Awarded based on a single project for most outstanding service in area of youth work.
Same criteria used as in #3 above.
10. Outstanding Total Youth
Awarded based on a series of projects for most outstanding service in any area of work involving youth.
Same criteria used as in #3 above.
11. Outstanding Club/District Bulletin
- Newsworthy content 60% - contain items of timely interest concerning Club members, their activities, programs and actions required of members. Emphasis should be upon information that will assist members in achieving objectives set out for Club.
- Contribution to programs 5% - jokes & gossip. Make members aware of programs of Club, District and Civitan International.
- Timeliness 10% - issued as often as Club meets.
- Format 5% - Any physical size & shape, name of Civitan Club, date of issue, meeting time & place, roster of officers and Civitan emblem.
- Attractiveness 5% - Neatness & taste in selection of type and illustrations.
- Readability 10% - maximum readability, reproduced clearly. Writing clarity - clear, concise and complete expression.
- Cover page shows name, charter number, bulletin number & date of issue.
- Name & address of Club, meeting times & places, Club roster of officers including phone numbers.
- Mailing list to include District Bulletin Editor, District Awards Chairperson and District Governor.
12. Civitan International Founders Award
Judging criteria parallels (to some degree) criteria for the Honour Club Award. Should include activities of a comprehensive year of work while at the same time showing how Club served needs of both the community and its members. Club will receive specially designed award on plaque and a banner patch presented at the annual International Convention. There are five parts to this application.
Judging based on percentages as follows:
Service...... 50%
Knowledge.... 15%
Management...... 15%
Fellowship... 15%
Membership...... 5%