Civitan, Canadian District West
Civitan Logo
International Presidents Logo

Drinking Water Internship

Drinking Water Internship

Environmental Fish Monitoring

Environmental Fish Monitoring

Region 5
3 Governors issuing the Proclamation

3 Governors issuing the Proclamation

Region 5
Amy Gopal from Water First

Amy Gopal from Water First

Region 5
Civitan Lyle receiving Civitan of the Year award from I.D. Bill

Civitan Lyle receiving Civitan of the Year award from I.D. Bill

Region 5
Governor Sue issuing her appreciation gifts

Governor Sue issuing her appreciation gifts

Region 5
Head Table

Head Table

Region 5
I.D. Bill receiving appreciation gift from Past I. D. Lyle

I.D. Bill receiving appreciation gift from Past I. D. Lyle

Region 5
International President Bob Jones

International President Bob Jones

Region 5
Region 5 Attendees

Region 5 Attendees

Dundas Civitan Club
2019 Plowing Match

Dundas Members (Michael, Eric, David, Bruce) and the 119th North Wentworth Plowing Match

Dundas Civitan Club
2019 Plowing Match

Dundas Plows Ahead

Dundas Civitan Club
2019 Plowing Match

Dundas at the 119th North Wentworth Plowing Match

Dundas Civitan Club
2019 Plowing Match

Dundas at the 119th North Wentworth Plowing Match

Dundas Civitan Club
2019 Plowing Match

Dundas at the 119th North Wentworth Plowing Match